

On August 2, guangzhou Central Plains studies the data of predestined relationship of home of sunshine of广州水疗spa 会所全套 广州君御水会桑拿 水疗会所development department statistic shows, in July 2019 Guangzhou city (do not contain Na Sha, from change) quantity of intermediary net autograph is 5381, relatively in June (4559) annulus comparing picks up 18.0% . Price respect, secondhand in July residential net is signed all valence is 26718 yuan / ㎡, annulus compares microlitre 1.7% . The market clinched a deal in July show two big traits
From thi广州至尊水疗有啥服务s year each weeks of net signed a circumstance to look in July, secondhand residential market clinchs a deal performance is smooth to good, zhou Du clinchs a deal the quantity is maintained basically in 1100-1200 ancestor horizontal left and right sides. 广州嘉禾英皇桑拿消费一览表
The reporter combs discovery, guangzhou is secondhand in July the market basically appears two big features: Add sale amount and client belt newly to see an amount relatively on the month all increases somewhat, annulus score does not rise 12.6% , 19.7% 广州水汇休闲会所 按摩师. This shows, guangzhou is at present secondhand residential market still has stronger energy, wait-and-see mood all puts both sides of guest of course of study somewhat delay.
In addition, hope of the town after owner is right increases, bargain space closes somewhat narrow. According to monitoring statistic, owner quotes the index presents the trend that month by month rises, up to July, the index rises to 31.23% , annulus comparing is added completely 1.06% , the part is like Dong Pu, east wind east etc board piece owner makes price relatively strong, bargain space closes apparently narrow.
Trailing plants hillock piece the area clinchs a deal occupy than first fall after a rise
According to Guangzhou Central Plains research develops a discovery that monitor, 2019 1-6 month, yellow Bu Ou Luogang piece the area clinchs a deal take t2019广州桑拿部长微信he posture that rises steadily than appearing all the time, and up to in July, occupy than appearing first fall after a rise, whole drops to 3.8% , annulus comparing is decreased completely 1.4% .
Central Plains considers to develop partial analyse to think, this month trailing plants hillock piece the area is secondhand the residence clinchs a deal take larger than giving now to slip to basically have two account: The first, before paragraph time, trailing plants hillock piece the area clinchs a deal performance is brisk, piece the area is high grade source of room of second bridal chamber goes changing rate quite fast, add owner to supply influence of relatively slow element, at present trailing plants hillock piece on division business ” bamb广州有什么地方全套oo shoot ” dish less, place remnant dish on the high side of source owner quote, the client is optional choose sex is low, make this month trailing plants hillock piece area demand somewhat fall after a rise, clinch a deal appear to glide apparently; The 2nd, area owner makes price strong, if the part is city of Dong Hui of 10 thousand divisions, medium the sea praise the city c广州半套服务 全套价格linch a deal active building dish owner lets benefit space somewhat narrower, and the client buys intention not tall, clinch a deal cycle appears to spin apparently.

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